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If you are pregnant or suspect you are pregnant:

The first step should be to confirm your pregnancy with a test. This is done by a urine (wee) pregnancy test which detects a hormone produced in pregnancy. You can book an appointment with us or alternatively you can buy a testing kit to do at home, or it can be done for you at your GP, MESMAC (in Hull) or school nurse.

For further information on pregnancy testing go to the NHS website.

Continuing with the pregnancy:

Contact your GP or community midwife service. Some useful links are below:

If you're not sure you want to be pregnant:

The BPAS (British Pregnancy Advisory Service) website suggests ways you can think this through or our CHOICES Clinic  provides a non-judgemental and confidential service for unplanned pregnancies.

If you choose not to continue with your pregnancy:

Up to 9 weeks

Choices Clinic at Conifer provides early medical abortion up to 9 weeks. Call 01482 336338.
If you suspect an unplanned pregnancy you will need to confirm this with a pregnancy test before making a referral to the service.

You can call between the hours of 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday, except weekends and bank holidays, to make a referral.  If you are experiencing unusual pain or are bleeding and feel you need immediate assistance please ring 111 or attend A&E.

Up to 12 weeks

Hull University Teaching Hospital (HUTH) provides early medical abortion up to 9 weeks and surgical procedures up to 12 weeks. Contact them directly on 01482 607843. You can also contact HUTH's Pregnancy Advisory Service on 01482 607843

Up to 24 weeks

BPAS provides medical and surgical procedures up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. Visit www.bpas.org.uk or call 03457 304030.

For further information:

Really comprehensive information given. Wasn't left confused or uninformed about anything.

Unplanned Pregnancy